Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So Seek The Hereafter!

Yahyaa Ibn Mu'aadh Al-Raazee said:
"Son of Aadam; you seek the world as if your very life depended on it and you seek the Hereafter as if you have no need of it!
You will acquire what you need from this world even if you do not run after it, but you will only attain the Hereafter if you run after it. So be aware of your true condition!"
Yahyaa Ibn Aadam said:
"Paradise was surrounded by difficulties, and you dislike it, and Hellfire was surrounded by desires, and you run after it.
You are like one who is afflicted with serious illness, if you are able to patiently endure the pain of the cure, you will be healed, if not, the illness will only increase in severity."
["The Journey Of The Strangers", By Al-Aajurree, p. 67]

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