Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Intelligent Person Does Not Cling To This Material World

 Ibn Al-Qayyim (raheemahuallaah) said:

People cling to this worldly life because of the corruption in their hearts.The hearts of such people are completely centered round this life and they have no real desire for the  Hereafter.It is not possible in such hearts to implant deeds that will lead to the Hereafter,they remain firm in this material world,while they are cut off from the Hereafter.This is a kind of torment for them according to the degree to which they cling to this material world.Therefore,their desires remain stuck to it,and a barrier is set between them and that which they desire,to the extent that they lose hope to enjoy their pleasure.
Therefore,the intelligent person will remove the means of this pain and regret,and will cease to hold onto this worldly life,just as he takes the initiative to put an end to the causes of corruption.Inspite of this,he will still receive his share of the world,while his heart is attached to the highest aim (the Hereafter).It is only Allah whose help should be sought.

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