Saturday, May 14, 2011

Women Exposing Themselves And Causing Fitnah

Ibn Jawzi said:
“I believe that coming out of her house and roaming about the streets in itself is sufficient to cause trouble, let alone exhibiting her beauty and her body.”[Ahkaam'un Nisa]

As the Prophet (saw) said:
“The women is object of concealment, when she leaves the house, Shaytaan (the Devil) beautifies her.”
          [Tirmidhi, and it is Saheeh]

The fitnah of women is indeed great, as the Prophet (saw) said:
“I am not leaving behind me in my ummah any fitnah that is more harmful for men than women.”
         [Bukhaaree & Muslim]

Likewise he (saw) said in explaining to women why they would be the majority of the inhabitants of Hell:
         “…a good man could be lead astray by any one of you…“ [Bukhaaree & Muslim]

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