Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Emotional moments of the Sahaba.....The story of Jazan

Once Abdullah ibn Mas'ood (may Allah be pleased with him) was passing by an area in the city of Qufa. There, a group of wrong doing people have gathered to have a party. They were engrossed in drinking wine. A singer called Jazan was entertaining them with songs. Jazan had a very beautiful voice. When Abdullah ibn Mas'ood heard his voice while passing by, he said in amazement, "So beautiful is his voice. How wonderful it would be if he had used that voice to recite the Quran!" After saying this, Abdullah covered his head with a cloth and left that place. When Jazan noticed Abdullah ibn Mas'ood leaving, he asked, "Who is that man and what was he saying?" ..

The people in the gathering told him, "He is Abdullah ibn Mas'ood, a companion of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He said that your voice is very beautiful. How wonderful it would be if you had used your voice to recite the Quran!"

Jazan was struck by his comments. He threw away his musical instrument and ran to Abdullah ibn Mas'ood. The two of them embraced each other and shed tears profusely. Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said to him, "Why should I not love the one who loves Allah?" Thereafter, Jazan repented to Allah and stayed in the company of Abdullah ibn Mas'ood to learn the Quran and other teachings of Islam. He learned to such an extent that he became one of the great scholars of his time.

Obtained from the book "Tambihul Ghafileen" by Shaikh Abul Laith Samarkandi.

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