Tuesday, June 7, 2011

naming with, 'Salafiyyah' or so-and-so as-Salafi and other such titles: Shaikh Al-Fawzaan

Question: What is your opinion about naming with, 'Salafiyyah' or so-and-so as-Salafi or al-Atharee and other such titles?

فضيلة الشيخ ما رأي سماحتكم في التسمي بالسلفية أو بفلان السلفي أو الأثري أو نحو ذلك من الألقاب ؟

Reply by Shaikh Saleh bin Fawzan al-Fawzan (hafidhahullah):

 "This is a Tazkiyah (praise) for oneself."
One should adhere to Ittiba (following) of the Salaf, and its Iqtida (requirements) and not name himself, 'Salafi' because in this is Tazkiyah for oneself.
And also in this is accusing others of not being Salafi.
Such an act should be abandoned, an act which causes misunderstanding amongst the brothers, 'Is there no salafi except you.'

These issues must be abandoned

We follow the Manhaj of the Salaf and study it, and call towards it without describing ourselves that we are Salafi, because this is known without we saying it.
Whosoever follows the manhaj of the salaf, he is known (to be salafi) even if he does not say I am salafi. [End]

Translated by Shawana A Aziz (www.qsep.com)

Ref: http://www.alfawzan.ws/node/8404

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