Friday, June 3, 2011

Advice on Seeking Knowledge - Imaam Ash-Shaafi`ee

قال الإمام الشافعي

أخي لن تنال العلم إلا بستة ..... سأنبيك عن تفصيلها ببيان
ذكاء وحرص واجتهاد وبلغة ..... وصحبة أستاذ وطول زمان

‎"O my Brother you will never gain knowledge without [possessing] six [qualities];
I will inform you of these in detail and with clarity:
 Sharpness [of the mind] eagerness [to learn] sacrifice [in terms of time, etc] and 
means [i.e wealth],
And the company of a teacher and length of time!"

[Diwaan (collection of poetry) of Ash-Shaafi'ee rahimahuLlaah]

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