Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Knowledge is better than money

Alee رضي الله عنه said:

اَلْعِلْمُخَيْرٌمِنَ المَالِ
Knowledge is better than money,

لأَنَّ المَالُ تحْرِسُهُ وَ الْعِلْمُ يَحْرِسُكَ
since you have to protect money, while knowledge protects you.

وَ المَالُ تُفْنِيهِ اَلنَّفَقَةُ وَ الْعِلْمُ يَزْكُو عَلَى الإِنْفَاقِ
And money is depleted from spending, while knowledge grows when you spend it.

وَ الْعِلْمُ حَاكِمُ وَ المَالُ مَحْكُمُ عَلَيْهِ
And knowledge makes rulings, while money is ruled over.

مَاتَ خُزَّانُ المَالِ وَ هُمْ أَحْيَاءٌ وَ الْعُلَمَاءُ بَاقُونَ مَا بَقِيَ الدَّهْرُ
People who hoard money have died while they are still living, while the scholars live on through the ages. . .

أَعْيَانُهُمْ مَفْقُودَةٌ وَ آثَارُهُمْ فِي الْقُلُوْبِ مَوْجُودَةٌ
Their souls may have passed away, but their effects remain present in the hearts of people.

(جَامِعُ ْبَيَانِ الْعِلْم وَ فَضْله #٢٨٤ وَ إِسْنَادُهُ ضَعِيفٌ) 

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