Monday, August 8, 2011

What Nullifies The Fast or Reduces The Reward

Regarding that which nullifies your fasting, it is eating and drinking and having relations with your spouse during the day of Ramadhaan. It is by the ijmaa’ (consensus) of the Scholars that they all nullify the fast except for that which was out of forgetfulness from eating and drinking.
The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم said: “Whoever eats or drinks forgetfully during the day or Ramadhaan, then Allaah has fed him and given him to drink.”[Bukhaaree, Muslim]
Some of the actions that don’t nullify your fast but take away from its barakah (blessings) and decrease (the reward of) your fast are:
• Al-gheebah (backbiting).
• Shaadatuz-zoor – this is to testify wrongly i.e. to testify whilst knowing that you are lying.
• An-nameemah (gossiping).
The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم said: “Whoever does not abandon evil speech and (evil) actions, then Allaah is not in need of him abandoning his food and drink.” [Bukhaaree]

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